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"Every single vote was touched by a human audit team and counted," said Gabriel Sterling, Georgia's voting system implementation manager. "Obviously, the audit confirms the original result of the election, namely that Joe Biden won the presidential contest in the state of Georgia."

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"Essentially, they need to differentiate and think of new things to bring customers in. Working with third parties is one of the solutions, but department stores need to do most innovation on their own so they can reap full rewards," he said.

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"Developing a strategic foresight can help organisations embrace opportunities, challenge barriers and make sure we look to the future – which we can't predict for certain but we can test our assumptions now to make better decisions for tomorrow."


"Dalian made a quick and orderly response to the outbreak," said Qiu Tiantian, whose 24-year-old sister will take the exam over the weekend. "My sister is now staying at the designated hotel and will sit the exam as scheduled, although she is not mentally prepared for the exam because of uncertainties."


"Dubai tourism remains key to economic growth and we expect the Expo 2020 to further boost the city's business tourism," said Sandra Tikal, general manager of Palazzo Versace Dubai.


